Winner of the FERED 2024 Thesis Prize: Julien Pongerard

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The RISE awards a thesis prize to young PhDs from the Alsace academic site who have written outstanding theses in environmental and sustainability sciences.

The FERED Thesis Prize in Environmental and Sustainability Sciences rewards work that demonstrates a marked interdisciplinarity in the environmental sciences. The prize is awarded in particular for research that integrates biogeophysical sciences to analyse ecosystems, and human and social sciences to study human dynamics, perceptions, related policies and their evolution.

These are the aspects embodied in Julien Pongerard's thesis, defended in 2024 at ENGEES, University of Strasbourg, and entitled ‘L'action publique environnementale au prisme de ses équipements : le cas des passes à poissons en France (XIXe - XXIe siècles)’. Her work examines interdisciplinarity in the environmental and sustainability sciences by looking at fish passes through the prism of the human and social sciences, with an in-depth sociological analysis of the field of ecohydraulics.