RISE lecture series

Focusing on environmental and sustainability research, RISE deepens the following themes

  • Cities in transition, resilience and adaptation to climate change
  • Which transition for the sustainability of socio-hydrosystems in a context of global change?
  • Reflexive approaches to study socio-ecosystems: bridging human and social sciences and biogeophysical sciences

The RISE organizes a series of lectures on these themes every second Friday from 11:30 am to 12 pm.


The aim of this conference cycle is to prepare the RISE workshops to construct research projects and to strengthen scientific interactions. It gives the floor to internationally recognized personalities in sustainability science.

Next conferences

4 octobre (11h30) | Tim Lenton
Points de bascule positifs pour éviter les points de bascule climatiques

Tipping points in climate science normally refer to small changes in the Earth system that unleash much broader, typically damaging impacts that accelerate climate change. Well-known examples are rising sea levels due to disintegration of the Greenland and West Antarctica ice sheets, or the release of methane from the thawing permafrost. They help to underline the urgency of climate action. Today most people understand we must reduce emissions – and very quickly.

In this webinar, Tim will summarise recent evidence regarding climate tipping points, which supports declarations that we are in a ‘climate emergency’. Then he will turn to identifying positive social tipping points that will need to be triggered to have any hope of limiting global warming to well below 2C.

October 11 (11:30) | Huiqi Chen

Assessing the Health and Economic Burden of Heat Stress under Climate Change: Case Studies from China and Brazil

Climate change has a huge impact on global health, with high temperatures being the most direct and significant influencing factor. However, current research on the impact of heat on health is mainly focused on a short-term assessment of mortality or admissions in a given country region. This offers an incomplete picture of the overall impact of heat on national health systems in the longer term, especially economic implications. This lecture aims to assess the economic impact of heat stress on health systems using China and Brazil as case studies, exploring how effects vary over time and across subnational regions.

Based on gridded temperature datasets and municipality-scale health datasets, the relationships between heat stress and the risk of health outcomes are constructed using time-series analysis. The attributable risk assessment method is employed to estimate heat-attributable mortality or morbidity. Furthermore, the economic burden of health impacts is calculated using the willingness-to-pay or cost-of-illness approaches.

The findings indicate that with accelerating climate change and population ageing, the effects of future heat stress on human health are likely to increase continuously even under a low emission scenario. However, pursuing a sustainable development pathway significantly reduces both health impacts and associated economic burdens. Policymakers need to tighten climate mitigation policies tailored to local conditions while enhancing climate resilience technically and infrastructurally, especially for vulnerable people. 

  • 18 octobre (11h30) | Nolwen Maudet - Vivre avec un smartphone obsolète : comprendre l'obsolescence logicielle

  • 8 novembre (11h30) | Pierre Labadie - Présence et transfert des composés per- et polyfluoroalkylés (PFAS) dans les écosystèmes aquatiques : aperçu de l'état des connaissances

  • 6 décembre (11:30) Pia Parolin - Visualize sustainability: engaging photography as a means of communication


Link to attend the visio conferences

Next conferences program


Past lectures

January 12Dimitri HEINTZAdaptation des organismes à une exposition chronique de polluants ; le cas des plantes, des animaux et de l'humain Replay
January 16PATRICK BLANDIN La transformation socio-écologique : changer de changement Replay
January 26KATHRIN FENNERSafe-and-Sustainable Chemicals: Is Environmental Chemistry Ready for the Challenge? Replay
February 9TOBIAS JUNGINGERRemoving the 'Forever' in Forever-Chemicals? Challenges and Strategies for PFAS Remediation in Soils Replay
March 22


Blue nature-based solutions : why we go blue/grey instead of blue/green?

April 19Loïc MAURER

Technologie avancée pour le diagnostic des eaux et l'optimisation de la gestion durable de l'eau en milieu urbain

Mai 31DANIEL GILBERTEau, alimentation, Climat, en route vers l'inconnu Replay
June 14


Is there more plastic in rivers than in the Ocean? Plastic pollution in rivers.

September 13


Patterns of Sustainable Urban Form – Tracing the outcomes of land policies in the French-German Border-RegionReplay to come



Friday 20 January


Article des DNA

Transition ou bascule de civilisation  Replay
Friday 3 FebruaryTIMO MARANEcosemiotics of the Anthropocene: How to reground culture in ecosystem? Replay

Friday 17 March

FRÉDÉRIC VAGNERON One Health comme objet de recherche et d'enseignement : un point de vue d'historien.


Friday 24 MarchFABRICE FLIPOL'interdisciplinarité : un enjeu de savoir-faire et de savoir-être [+ aterlier de reflexion] Replay
Friday 5 MayVÉRONIQUE PHILIPPOTSANDRINE GLATRON, CAROLINE HABOLDLes rats de Strasbourg : concilier adaptation injonctive et initiatives populaires ? Replay
Friday 2 JuneXIAO LIU

Tracking the fate of organic pollutants by stable isotope concept- example of hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) in food webs and sulfonamides (SAs) in wetlands

Tuesday 6 JuneRichard CoupeNitrogen in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed - A Century of Change 1950-2050 Replay
Monday 3 JulyLawrence P. WackettTeaching bacteria to love PFAS Indisponible
Tuesday 19 September

Pratham Arora

Looking at energy systems from a techno-enviro-economic perspective

Friday 24 NovemberMirco BUNDSCHUHRise from the dead – chemicals affect heterotrophic processes  





Friday 14 JanuarySIMON GLÖSER-CHAHOUD - REBEKKA VOLK - DANIEL SLOOTSustainable urban development and the acceptance and adoption of sustainable energy technologies Replay
Friday 28 JanuaryKAREN BAKKERDigital Earth Technologies 
Friday 11 FebruaryCHRISTOPHE SCHNITZLEREduquer à la soutenabilité: des philosophies aux mises en œuvre  Replay
Wednesday 23 FebruaryELIE BOU-ZEIDUrban modeling performed to study temperature extremes  Replay
Friday 25 FebruaryGEREMIA COMETTIAnthropologie et soutenabilité Replay
Friday 11 MarchJACQUES DUBOCHETL’engagement du scientifique dans la société et les problèmes de la vie et du climat.  Replay
Friday 25 MarchMICKAËL LABBÉVoir la ville comme nature :

l’architecture et la ville à l’ère de l’Anthropocène 

Soon available
Friday 28 April


Mesure et modélisation du rayonnement pour les projets architecturaux et urbains

Friday 8 AprilMICHEL MEYBECK How river basins provide an insight on socio-hydrosystems functionning at the Anthropocene Replay
Friday 22 AprilGUNILLA ÖBERG Does the framing matter? On dissent, consensus, and scientific controversies in policy-relevant research.  Replay
Friday 20 May

Jacques REIS

Arnaud SAUER

Quel avenir l‘Unistra va-t-elle réserver à l'enseignement de la santé et médecine environnementale ?

La Santé environnementale en Faculté de Médecine et des métiers de la Santé. Perspectives en enseignement et recherche.

Friday 10 JuneAnna SERRA-LLOBETRestoring Rivers and Floodplains for Habitat and Flood Risk Reduction: Experiences in Floodplain Management From California and Germany

Coming soon


Friday 19 JuneDries HEGGER

A view on science-policy and policy-public interactions in the governance of social-ecological systems.

Friday 7 OctoberMD NADIRUZZAMAN Dhaka Sitting on a Plastic Bomb: Issues and Concerns around Waste Governance, Water Quality, and Public Health.


Original papier

Friday 21 OctoberNATHALIE PICARD

 Le projet ANR AFFINITE et autres perspectives de collaborations interdisciplinaires autour du développement durable

Friday 2 December


Interdisciplinary Science and the Conservation of Nature



Friday 12 February

Steven Ashley Forrest 

The Pursuit of Resilience: Maintaining or Challenging the Status Quo in Flood Management?


Friday 12 March

Nobouko Nansenet

Construire en pierre massive : une alternative vers la sobriété. 


Friday 19 March

Fabiano Lemes De Oliveira

The question of nature in planning


Friday 26 March

Mathias Kondolf  

The Social Connectivity of Urban Rivers: Integrating Social and Natural Science in River Restoration


Friday 9 April

Annik Schnitzler

Les forêts vosgiennes au cours du petit Age glaciaire : une formidable résilience grâce à un abandon total des usages. 


Friday 16 April

Darío Angulo Jaramillo

Valorisation et visibilité de l’ Architecture de terre en Colombie

Friday 21st May Almut Alreth

Land in the climate system - some model-based examples from different sustainability perspectives

Friday 28 MayJamie Linton

Sustaining multiple “waters” in the 21st century

Friday 4 JuneFrançois Chiron

L'écologie de l'asphalte et du béton -  comment affirmer la nature des villes?

Friday 11 June

William K Jaeger

Meeting the Challenges of Interdisciplinary Research on Human-Natural Systems to Advance Sustainability

Friday 18 JuneSonja DeppischSocio-ecological resilience and sustainability in urban and regional development Unavailable
Friday 5 NovemberMatthieu DuperrexSi le sol disparaît, où se porteront nos pas ? Itinéraires en Louisiane  Replay
Friday 18 NovemberELODIE PASSEPORTFate of trace organic contaminants in green infrastructure  Replay
Friday 19 NovemberBÉATRICE QUENAULTLa résilience, un nouveau paradigme de la prévention des risques de catastrophe d'origine climatique ?  Replay
Friday 3 DecemberROY FRINGSSustainable sediment management in river basins Support
Friday17 DecemberPATRICK PIGEONReprésenter l’Anthropocène à partir des risques et de la panarchie. Quels apports possibles et quelles limites ? L’exemple de la Chautagne et de la vallée de l’Arve.



Next conferences Program