CCAV-GES: Climate Change Alsace-Vosges, Group of Scientific Experts
Objective: To gather a group of local scientific experts on the issue of climate change at the regional scale Alsace-Vosges (city, mountain, plain...).
Creation: May 2022
Objective: To gather a group of local scientific experts on the issue of climate change at the regional scale Alsace-Vosges (city, mountain, plain...).
Creation: May 2022
Several scientific teams in Alsace are working and studying the signs, trends, observations and projections of climate change locally and regionally (temperature, rainfall patterns, effects on ecology, hydrology, etc.).
During this work, scientists sometimes use different inputs, different model outputs, data from different sources (Météo France, Vigie crue, Agence de l'eau, Aprona, DRIAS, IPCC, SAFRAN...), with different methodologies and processing etc...
Consequently, the results may show or reflect heterogeneities or variability that could/should be interpreted.
Moreover, these researchers study and work on different sites (mountain, piedmont, plain, city) or at different scales (spatial/temporal).
Finally, there is a need on the part of communities, decision-makers, associations, and citizens to have the most reliable and coherent data possible, with a collective scientific endorsement and probably a vision at the regional scale.
To set up an expert group on climate within FERED whose objective will be to build and publish a regional synthesis on climate change for the last 50 or 100 years (depending on available data).
Justification: FERED has the skills to consider a joint scientific study of climate change on the scale of the Grand-East region, including mountains, foothills, plains and cities (not on projections, which is done elsewhere, but on observations and interpretations of recent decades).
To have a study of this type would be:
Study area
| Partners / ressources
The data collection will include structures with measurements (airports, airfields, ski resorts, agricultural sites, vineyards, schools, possibly public, others to define ....).
We could look for a financing together with several institutional co-financing (EMS, region, department, chamber of agriculture, ONF, météo-France, water agency, DREAL, OFB, AERM, regional parks etc.).
Track: AAP Region (post doc or young researcher) - IDEX UNISTRA - in co-financing?