Journées jeunes chercheurs de la Société Française des IsotopeS (SFIS)

Young researchers' days of the French Society of Isotopes (SFIS)  Strasbourg


 Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 November 2023

 Collège Doctoral Européen, Université de Strasbourg, France
46 Boulevard de la Victoire, 67084 Strasbourg



We are pleased to announce the "Journées jeunes chercheurs de la Société Française des IsotopeS (SFIS,", organized in Autumn 2023 at University of Strasbourg by the Institut Terre et Environment (ITES, UMR7063), the doctoral school 'Earth and Environmental sciences' (ED413) and the Research Initiative in Sustainability and the Environment of Unistra (

Aimed at early-stage researchers, PhD students and postgraduates holding a PhD since less than 3 years, these two days will allow them to present their work (oral or poster) and to make themselves known to potential recruiters. The meeting will highlight the latest developments and applications for the use of stable isotopes and bring together early-stage and experienced researchers from a wide range of disciplines.


To see the program


Registration is closed.

You can submit your abstract to fered-contact[at] until 6 October 2023. Please use the template (Abstract template)



TOPICS (not exhautive)

  • Advances in instrumentation and analytical methods
  • Clumped isotopes
  • Origin and evolution of the Earth, planets and life
  • Hydrological, ecological and phytological processes and functioning
  • Elemental biogeochemistry and contaminants
  • Global change, paleoclimates, greenhouse gases and aerosols
  • Isotope effects and enzymatic mechanisms
  • Food authenticity, forensics
  • Biomedical applications




The meeting will begin with an ice-breaker on Tuesday lunchtime (14 November) and end on Wednesday evening (15 November). On Tuesday evening, an "isotopic dinner" will be organised. The meeting will take the form of an on-site conference. At the end of the days, prizes will be awarded for the best oral and poster presentations.

Presentations will be in French or English.

Participation is free for SFIS members, lunch is offered to young researchers and a low-cost room-sharing scheme will be available.



Contact us: fered-contact[at]

Become an SFIS member:

For more information and to register, please visit our website.