RISE General Assembly 2022  29/03/2022

A year rich in scientific projects and events at RISE!

Find here the minutes of the ISE GA 2022, with 32 slides describing the different research projects, training, project support and events in progress and to come.

RISE GA 2022


1 | RISE:

  1.     Vision 2024
  2.     Governance
  3.     Objectives
  4.     Budget 2022

2 | Review and ongoing actions

  1.     Research: PEPR OneWater and CPER RENETE
  2.     Training: PUNCHY
  3.     Symposium and RISE collection at PUS
  4.     Conferences
  5.     Newsletters
  6.     Search engine
  7.     EPICUR

3 | Actions 2022 (coming soon)

  1.     Training: Master EUCOR in Water Sustainability
  2.     Innovation Forum and Technology Exchange
  3.     Urban workshop
  4.     Thesis award

4 | Strategy and action ideas to be discussed!

5 | Record of proposals at the GA

RISE launch General Assembly in 2021

Focus on the RISE objectives (Federation of Research in Environment and Sustainability), the ongoing actions and the workshops on the themes of Urban Socio-Ecosystems Resilient to Climate Change and on the issue: Which transition for the sustainability of hydrosystems in a context of global change?


PresentationWelcome, presentation of the management and the CoPil, objectives of RISE and overview of the action plan (Gwenaël Imfeld)Support 1
 Workshops for the setting up of research projectsUrban socio-ecosystems resilient to climate change (Nadège Blond)Support 2
Which transition for a sustainability of hydrosystems in a context of global change? (Laurent Schmitt)Support 3
The action plan and ongoing actions:  RISE Unistra Symposium 20-22 October 2021: 'Is the concept of "environmental sustainability" misleading? Mixed perspectives'. (Elisabeth Lambert) Support 4 
RISE Research-Innovation-Business Forum for Sustainability (Jean-Philippe Malet) Support 5
Training: the example of the Interdisciplinary Environmental Projects (IEP) (Stéphane Vuilleumier) Support 6
ConferenceThe conference "Development(s) of the River Culture Concept" (Karl M. Wantzen)Support 7